What Is Yoga And How Does It Differ From Other Types of Exercise?

Journey Healing Centers focuses on Yoga primarily as a healing practice for men, women and children of all ages.

Yoga and exercise are common ways to keep in shape in modern western culture, but the two have a range of variations in terms of the end purpose and the particular effects they can have on your mind and the body. Physical health is becoming more and more important to us as a society. Memberships to gyms, running clubs, and cycling groups are all quite popular. Yoga is becoming increasingly popular, but it is often mistaken as a type of physical activity. In reality, the asanas, or physical aspects of yoga, are merely a supplement to the practice. Furthermore, these asanas vary significantly from normal physical activities, both in terms of how they are performed and the outcomes they produce.

Yoga places a greater emphasis on maintaining stable postures and muscle relaxation. The breathing is coordinated, and the motions are slow and regulated. The focus in daily exercise is on movement and muscle tension. Even if we try to regulate our breathing rhythm, most exercises require repeated activity and no synchronized breathing. As a result, yoga and exercise have different results.

The differences between yoga and exercise can vary according to the type of yoga or exercise being done, and it should be recognized that certain types of yoga, such as Ashtanga, are more rigorous than others and therefore have more in common with exercise. Physical variations, on the other hand, are listed below.

  • Yoga is non-competitive because it emphasizes the method. Since most exercises are extremely competitive, exercise is goal-oriented.
  • Yoga does not have any negative effects on the joints. The majority of physical exercises appear to overwork the joints, which may lead to discomfort or rheumatism as a person ages.
  • Yoga can be done whether or not a person is ill. When it comes to most yoga poses, there are no age restrictions. People in good health are more likely to exercise because many of the exercises are difficult to do while sick.
  • Yoga involves a low risk of injury as it has low muscular and ligamentous impact. Since most physical exercise has a significant impact on the muscles and ligaments, exercise carries a high risk of injury.
  • Yoga is not particularly concerned with muscle toning. Many poses or gestures, on the other hand, result in muscle strengthening. Muscle toning is stimulated by exercise.
  • Yoga usually requires slow, dynamic motions. Normally, exercise requires quick, vigorous motion.
  • Yoga is anabolic and characterized by constructional metabolism or by the promotion of it. It is able to save energy, in other words. Exercise is a catabolic, destroying metabolism characterizing the process. It can break down the energy, in other words.
  • Yoga leads to a relatively low calorie intake, which is why yogis eat less than those who do not exercise. The essence of most exercises results in moderate to high caloric intake, which is why most people are normally hungry afterward.
  • Yoga emphasizes healthy breathing. As a result of proper breathing procedures, oxygen intake is minimized. Exercising, particularly aerobic exercise, causes an increase in oxygen consumption.
  • Yoga is largely self-contained. This ensures that it can be done without any special equipment. A yoga mat isn’t even necessary. Exercising usually necessitates the use of equipment, which limits the types of physical activity that can be undertaken.
  • Yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts the sympathetic nervous system’s physiological impact. Exercising activates the sympathetic nervous system, which controls digestion, blood vessel contraction, and heart rate.
  • Yoga can help people improve their physical features and fitness, but its ultimate aim is to help people achieve a higher state of consciousness. People exercise for mainly two reasons: to enhance their overall physical health or to lose some weight.

In terms of physical and (to some degree mental) benefits, both yoga and exercise are equivalent, but exercise is restricted to focusing on the preservation and development of the physical body as the sole goal, while yoga is founded on ancient Hindu practice and seeks to use a healthy physical body as a preparatory pre-requisite to achieve a higher state of consciousness.   

About the Authors

Journey Healing Centers focuses on Yoga primarily as a healing practice for men, women and children of all ages.  We know that most Americans believe that “yoga is good for you,” but did you know that science backs them up? It’s true! Yoga has been shown to improve health, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance, all while reducing stress, anxiety, and pain. Yoga practitioners have a stronger sense of mental clarity, physical fitness, flexibility, and strength.  As you can see these are all powerful reasons for taking up Yoga – so join us!

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